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  • Related standardisation organisations, software products and projects

  • The Open Grid Forum (OGF) is a community-initiated forum of individual researchers and practitioners working on distributed computing technologies.
  • THE GLOBUS ALLIANCE is developing fundamental technologies needed to build computational grids. 
  • The CONDOR PROJECT is developing, implementing, deploying, and evaluating mechanisms and policies that support High Throughput Computing (HTC) on large collections of distributively owned computing resources.
  • TRIANA is an open source problem solving environment developed at Cardiff University that combines an intuitive visual interface with powerful data analysis tools.
  • GridBus is a resource broker developed in the land of down under.


  • List of grid related projects

European Union Framework Period 6 projects
Access to knowledge through the grid in a mobile world
Mobile grid architecture and services for dynamic virtual organisations.
ID: IST-2003-004293 (IP), Funding: 7 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004-31. Aug. 2007
European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, grid and Peer-to-Peer technologies
European wide virtual laboratory for longer term grid research – creating the foundation for the next generation grids.
ID: IST-2003-004265 (NoE), Funding: 8.2 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2008
Datamining tools and services for grid computing environments
ID: IST-2003-004475 (STREP), Funding: 1.883 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2006
ERA pilot on a coordinated Europe-wide initiative in grid research
Building the ERA in grid research.
ID: IST-2003-511618 (SSA), Funding: 0.96 M€, Duration: 1.Sept. 2004 - 28. Feb. 2006
Highly predictable cluster for Internet Grid
Fault tolerance, dependability for grid.
ID: IST-2003-511531 (STREP), Funding: 1.7 M€, Duration: 1. Jun. 2004 - 31. May. 2007
Interoperability of virtual organisations on complex semantic Grid
Semantic grid based virtual organisations.
ID: IST-2003-004664 (STREP), Funding: 2.122 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 28. Feb. 2007
K-Wf Grid 
Knowledge-based workflow system for Grid systems
Knowledge based work-flow & collaboration.
ID: IST-2003-511385 (STREP), Funding: 1.747 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 28. Feb. 2007
Architecture for Next Generation Grids
EU-driven grid services architecture for business and industry.
ID: IST-2003-511563 (IP), Funding: 11 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2007
Knowledge services for the semantic grid
Technological infrastructure for the rapid prototyping and development of knowledge-intensive distributed open services for the Semantic Grid.
ID: IST-2003-511513 (STREP), Funding: 2.639 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2007
Enabling and Supporting Provenance in Grids for Complex Problems
Provenance for grids.
ID: IST-2003-511085 (STREP), Funding: 1.982 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2006
Uniform Interface to Grid Services
Extended OGSA implementation based on Unicore.
ID: IST-2003-004279 (STREP), Funding: 1.916 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2006
Data grids for process and product development using numerical simulation and knowledge discovery
Grid-based generic enabling application technologies to facilitate solution of industrial problems.
ID: IST-2004-511438 (IP), Funding: 11 M€, Duration: 1. sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2008
Other relevant grid projects
Adaptive Services Grid
Funding: 7.5 M€
Development of a framework for 6 experiments regarding ASP technology-based applications applied in different industrial fields.
ID: IST (FP5 AM), Funding: 0.763 M€, Duration: 1. May. 2002 - 30. Apr. 2004
Astrophysical Virtual Observatory
AVO designs and implements a European virtual observatory.
Bio-technology Information & Knowledge Grid
Trial for the introduction of a grid approach in the biotechnology industry.
ID: IST (FP5 RTD), Funding: 0.834 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 31. Aug. 2004
Corporate Ontology Grid
Demonstration of the applicability of Grid technologies to industry.
ID: IST (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.061 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 29. Feb. 2004
Large-scale Grid-enabled Simulations
Development of techniques for large-scale grid-enabled real-time simulations and visualisations.
ID: IST (FP5 RTD), Funding: 4.860 M€, Duration: 1. Mar. 2002 - 28. Feb. 2005
Distributed Applications and Middleware for Industrial use of European Networks
Development of essential software supporting the Grid infrastructure.
ID: IST (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.229 M€, Duration: 1. Jan. 2001 - 30. Jun. 2003
Next Generation Scientific Exploration
Development of techniques supporting the processing and data-storage requirements of next generation scientific research.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 9.872 M€, Duration: 1. jan. 2001 - 31. Dec. 2003
Research & Technological development for a Transatlantic Grid
Development of techniques to support reliable and high-speed collaboration across widely distributed networks.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 3.980 M€, Duration: 1. Jan. 2002 - 31. Dec. 2003
Data, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services
A Testbed Digital Library Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology
ID: IST-200X-4260 (FP6 IP), Funding: 6.30 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2004 - 31. Aug. 2007
Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe
ID: INFSO-RI-508833 (FP6), Funding: 32 M€
European Grid of Solar Observations
ID: IST (FP5), Funding: 2.400 M€, Duration: 1. Mar. 2002 - 28. Feb. 2005
European learning Grid infrastructure
The European Learning Grid Infraestructure based on GRID technologies for supporting ubiquitous, collaborative, experiental-based, contextualised and personalised learning.
ID: IST-507483 (IP)
European Testbed for Grid Applications
Development of core Grid software components.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 2.065 M€, Duration: 1. Nov. 2000 - 31. Oct. 2003
Flow-Simulations on-demand using Grid-computing
On-demand CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamics) simulation and visualisation using Grid computing.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.099 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 31. Aug. 2004
Grid-enabled Medical Simulation Services
Development of new Grid-enabled tools for improved diagnosis, operative planning and surgical procedures.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 2.626 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 28. Feb. 2005
GRid SeArch & Categorization Engine
Development of a search and categorisation engine for flexible allocation of computational and data storage resources in Grid environments.
ID: IST-2001-38100 (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.889 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 28. Feb. 2005
GRid based Application Service Provision
Development of architecture and business models for delivering ASP services over the Grid-enabled networks.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.955 M€, Duration: 1. Apr. 2002 - 30. Sept. 2004
Grid Resources for Industrial Applications
Development of business models and processes that make it feasible and cost-effective to offer and use computational services securely in an open Grid marketplace.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 2.016 M€, Duration: 1. Dec. 2001 - 31. May. 2004
Grid Application Toolkit and Testbed
Development of software capable of fully exploiting dynamic resources.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 5.085 M€, Duration: 1. Jan. 2002 - 31. Dec. 2004
GRID Dissemination, Standards, Applications, Roadmap and Training cluster
Accompanying measure with objective of maximising the impact of EU-funded FP5 Grid and related activities through clustering.
ID: (FP5 AM), Funding: 1.449 M€, Duration: 1. Apr. 2002 - 31. Mar. 2005
GRid Interoperability Project
Interoperability of Globus and UNICORE, two leading software packages central to the operation of the Grid.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.338 M€, Duration: 1. Jan. 2002 - 31. Dec. 2003
Thematic Network facilitating the establishment of a European Learning Grid Infrastructure by supporting the systematic exchange of information and by creating opportunities for close collaboration between the different actors.
ID: (TN), Duration: 1. Aug. 2002 - 31. Jul. 2004
European mammogram database
Application of Grid technology to develop a European-wide database of mammograms and to support effective co-working between EU healthcare professionals.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.899 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 31. Aug. 2005
Modular & Scalable Environment for Semantic Web
Scalable ontology-based Knowledge Management System and an ontology-based search engine that will accept queries and produce answers in natural language.
ID: (FP5), Funding: 1.505 M€
Market Management of Peer to Peer Services
ID: IST-2001-34201 (FP5), Funding: 2.392 M€, Duration: 1. Mar. 2002 - 31. Aug. 2004
Open Computing Grid for Molecular Science & Engineering
Development of tools for molecular design based on UNICORE enabled distributed computing environments.
ID: (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.988 M€, Duration: 1. Sept. 2002 - 30. Nov. 2004
P2P collaborative framework and a prototype application to allow people to form common interest groups and provide those groups members with new ways to communicate, collaborate and make business together.
ID: (FP5), Funding: 0.763 M€, Duration: 1. Jul. 2002 -31. Jan. 2004
Self e-Learning Networks
Identification of technologies for managing, syndicating and personalising online education resources.
ID: (FP5 AM), Funding: 0.283 M€, Duration: 2. Nov. 2002 -31. Oct. 2003
Data-centric web services integration to support the development and deployment of ASP-based business applications
ID: IST-2001-35458 (FP5 RTD), Funding: 1.799 M€, Duration: 1. May. 2002 - 30. Sept. 2004
The proposed project will develop and thoroughly evaluate the novel concepts of knowledge discovery in databases and other large data sets attached to the Grid.


Updated on December 3, 2008